
Olympic flame removed from public viewing

by April 8th, 2020

The Olympic flame, currently on display in disaster-hit Fukushima, has now be removed from public viewing. 

This after Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe declared a state of emergency for the capital, Osaka and five other prefectures yesterday.

The flame had been due to stay on show in the region until the end of April, but the latest decision to remove it was as expected, due to rising fears about the coronavirus pandemic in japan.

The Prime Minister also stated that Olympic facilities, which are no longer needed imminently due to the postponement of Tokyo 2020 until next year, could be used for patients with mild infections as hospitals are nearing capacity.

Tokyo 2020 will now hold press briefings remotely while the press room will close.

Governors in the designated areas will be able to ask residents to stay at home, but their requests are not enforceable by law.

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