
Macka Diamond starts GoFundMe for pregnant women in need

by April 27th, 2020

Veteran dancehall entertainer Macka Diamond has set up a special donation fund via gofundme for pregnant women who are due soon, in light of the Coronavirus pandemic.

On Sunday Macka Diamond was moved to take action, after 23-year-old, Jodian Fearon died at a hospital, shortly after giving birth.

Reports are that Ms.Fearon was allegedly denied access to a number of hospitals on the assumption that she was suspected to be displaying COVID-19 symptoms.

Macka Diamond has extended empathy to pregnant women who may now be scared, and anxious, and has encouraged them to get the service of a mid-wife for safe home delivery, a service for which she is leading the charge to get funds to help those who may not be able to afford it.

Macka Diamond says the funds from the ‘Pregnant Women in Need’ gofundme, will also go towards the purchase of supplies for new mothers and their babies.

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