
Deadline For GSAT Transfers

by July 3rd, 2015

Today is the final day for transfers of students who were recently placed in high schools, based on their performance in The Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT).

Education Minister, Reverend Ronald Thwaites says principals of high schools have 5% discretion, in terms of accommodating students.

Minister of Education, Reverend Ronald Thwaites

Minister of Education, Reverend Ronald Thwaites

Last month, The Ministry said there were some 500 requests for transfers of GSAT students.

The largest number of transfer requests, 200, came from region one, which comprises Kingston and St Andrew.

The Education Minister adds that many of the requests have to do with location issues, where students cannot make the expenditure from where they have been assigned, and the government is putting them closer to home.

Other reasons include, students not getting any of their choices, relocation of parents, and students or parents not being pleased with the placements.

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