
More Than 800 Murdered

by September 8th, 2015

826 Jamaicans were murdered up to last Sunday.

The police today (September 8, 2015) released the crime statistics which look at crimes committed since the start of the year.

The police have released statistics that corroborate earlier reports from The National Security Ministry and The High Command that there has been an overall decrease in the number of reported serious violent crimes this year compared to last year except for murder.

According to statistics from the Jamaica Constabulary Force, police recorded 2,389 serious and violent crimes committed up to September 5.

Last year, 2,459 cases were reported for the corresponding period.

Serious and violent crimes include murder, shooting, rape, and aggravated assault.

Of the four crime categories, murder recorded an increase with 826 reported cases, compared to 626 for the corresponding period last year.

The other three categories recorded lower figures than last year, with 752 shootings, 390 rape cases, and 421 cases of aggravated assault.

In the meantime, the police are reporting a slight improvement in its cleared up rate for serious and violent crimes.

Between January 1 and September 5 last year, police cleared up 1,155 cases.

Police say 1,196 similar cases were cleared up for the corresponding period this year.

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