
More Training For Nurses

by October 10th, 2015

Health Minister, Dr. Fenton Ferguson says he will continue to push for increased training opportunities for nurses, as part of The Ministry’s retention strategy.

Minister of Health, Dr Fenton Ferguson

Minister of Health, Dr Fenton Ferguson

Dr Ferguson says he was disappointed to learn that the nurses in the critical care programme had to discontinue because of a lack of funding.

He says he met with the regional health authority board chairmen and will meet with The Education Minister to see how best the situation can be resolved

The Health Minister adds that The Ministry will seek to set aside more funding for training in its budget and has already asked for the National Health Fund to be a part of this initiative.

Dr. Ferguson was speaking yesterday (October 09, 2015), during the 69th Annual General Meeting and 54th Island Conference of The Nurses Association of Jamaica Held at The Jewel Runaway Bay Beach Resort in St. Ann,  under the theme “Nurses: A Force For Change, Care Effective, Cost Effective”.

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