
OUR explains JPS rate adjustments

by February 5th, 2021

The Office of Utilities Regulation, OUR, has sought to provide a detailed explanation of the rate adjustments recently granted to the Jamaica Public Service, which will result in JPS customers seeing variations in their bills.


Deputy Director General of the OUR Cedric Wilson said based on the analysis of the October consumption and billing information, there will be a general one percent increase.

Wilson noted that residential customers, in particular, will see a 2 point 6 percent increase on their bills.


He added that small commercial and residential customers will be charged under a new rate structure, called the ‘time of use rate’.

He was speaking at a webinar about the OUR’s major decisions on the JPS 2019 – 2024 tariff proposal, on Thursday.

The JPS is allowed 6 months to roll out the new rates.

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