
JLP Will Protect Lives

by October 31st, 2015

The Opposition Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) says it is the best hope to protect the lives of Jamaicans from the hands of criminal elements.

Opposition Leader, Andrew Holness says the country’s high murder rate is unacceptable as he urges Jamaicans not to risk losing their lives by returning the People’s National Party (PNP) government to rule over the affairs of the country.

Opposition Leader, Andrew Holness

Opposition Leader, Andrew Holness

He was addressing JLP supporters at a mass meeting in Hopewell, Hanover last night (October 30, 2015).

Mr. Holness says the time has come for a JLP government to lead the people from the poverty of crime and murders to one of change, security and prosperity.


Mr. Holness told party delegates and supporters that they should not make that mistake of returning the PNP to power.


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