
Dancehall Entertainer Bounty Killer is calling out entertainers whom he says are funding the lifestyles and activities of criminals on the island

by May 11th, 2021

Comedian Ity Ellis says he was caught in the crossfire of a shootout between police and gunmen in St Andrew yesterday.

In a short video on social media Ity said he heard what he thought at the time was the sound of cars backfiring. However, minutes later he saw vehicles reversing and turning away it was in that moment he realized the situation that was unfolding.


The Comedian said while he sometimes jokes about being in similar circumstance during his performances yesterday’s reality was not a pleasant situation to be in.


Meanwhile, in what is being termed a bold move Dancehall Entertainer Bounty Killer is calling out entertainers whom he says are funding the lifestyles and activities of criminals on the island.


The Poor People Governor shared a video of yesterday’s incident and wrote this is not the country, he wants to live in. He went on to say he left the communities of Seaview Gardens and Riverton City in hopes of moving away from the high incidents of crime, but realises crime is now plaguing the entire nation.


The Grung Gad said he earlier shared the Crime Stop, Crime Crash video only to see a major criminal activity taking place in the capital city hours later. The entertainer also seized the opportunity to appeal to young Jamaicans and asked them to change their mindset from one inclined to pursue a life of crime.

In what was a highly dramatic series of events yesterday gunmen were intercepted and killed by police after killing a businessman earlier.

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