
Gage cautioned by environmental advocacy group, Wildlife Jamaica, following endangered turtle video.

by June 2nd, 2021

In the video the Entertainer can be heard saying anybody can tell me a wa this yah, a soup this a mek right now while a man holds what appears to be the flesh of the Hawksbill Turtle.

Wildlife Jamaica reposted the entertainer’s video and urged him and Jamaicans to protect the local endangered species. Wildlife Jamaica encouraged Jamaicans to share with The National Environment & Planning Agency- NEPA information they may have regarding areas on the island where Turtles are being poached.

The organization continued by reminding Jamaicans that the Hawksbill sea turtles are critically endangered, and it is illegal to collect or kill them.

in a release to Music News, NEPA said the public should be mindful that turtles are protected under the Wildlife Protection Act- WLPA. The Act stipulates that individuals found guilty of hunting or in possession of any protected animal are liable to pay a maximum fine of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) or face a term of imprisonment not exceeding twelve months.

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