
Opposition says Prime Minister is a weak leader

by November 9th, 2015

Opposition Leader, Andrew Holness, says last evening’s (November 8) national broadcast by Prime Minister, Portia Simpson Miller, cannot make-up for what he calls,  the weak leadership she showed in parliament, in her response to the deaths of 19 babies.

Mr Holness says the Prime Minister demonstrated weak leadership again on Friday when according to him, she shielded then embattled Health Minister, Dr. Fenton Ferguson from responsibility and accountability, by shifting him to another portfolio instead of removing him from the cabinet altogether.

The Opposition Leader says it’s sad that the Prime Minister only acted after considerable public pressure.

He listed incidents surrounding the murders of families, the suffocation of an entire city by toxic smoke, a major energy project botched, and an entire nation crippled by Chik-V as some areas in which the Prime Minister should have acted.

Mr Holness adds that the Prime Minister fails to hold her political appointees and others accountable for how their decisions put Jamaican lives at risk.

He says under his leadership, he would never have treated such a tragedy or a public health audit in this way.

He continues that the Prime Minister must understand that public trust and confidence is built by positive actions, not just national broadcasts.

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