
Crime Working Group To Be Established

by November 9th, 2015

National Security Minister, Peter Bunting, has announced the establishment of an oversight committee to further advance the broad national consensus and coalition against violent crimes.

National Security Minister, Peter Bunting

National Security Minister, Peter Bunting

The Rule of Law Working Group, will be similar to the Economic Programme Oversight Committee (EPOC) and Electricity Sector Enterprise Team (ESET) teams, which are successfully assisting in areas of the economy and energy.

The Rule of Law Working Group will be chaired by attorney and Vice President of the Jamaica Manufacturers Association (JMA), Howard Mitchell, who has significant experience in chairing both public and private sector boards.

Mr Bunting says membership for the working group will be drawn from the partnership for Jamaica which comprises representatives of major organisations and interest groups in the society.


Mr Bunting was speaking at a ceremony to hand over 64 new motor vehicles to the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) this morning (November 09, 2015).

He says law enforcement alone cannot solve Jamaica’s long term crime problems, therefore partnerships such as the Rule of Law Working Group and the contribution of every citizen across Jamaica is needed to assist in stemming crime.

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