
UWI Guild President supports the university’s decision to allow only vaccinated students to reside on campus

by August 27th, 2021

President of the University of the West Indies UWI Mona Guild of Students, Danielle Mullings says the Guild supports the university’s decision to allow only vaccinated students to reside on campus.

In a statement issued by the UWI, the Campus Registrar stated that in order to maintain a safe living environment for staff and students, persons wishing to reside in a hall of residence must be fully vaccinated for Covid-19.

The UWI said evidence of vaccination must be provided to the relevant Student Services and Development Manager, OSSD, in order to secure accommodation.

The UWI said persons currently residing in halls who have not received at minimum their first dose of the vaccine, are required to do so by September 3.

The university stated that persons who are awaiting their second shot, will be allowed to remain on hall.

It said students who are hesitant of taking of the vaccine will not be permitted to reside on campus and efforts will be made to assist them in finding off campus accommodation.

As for students who are unable to take the vaccine for religious or health related reasons, they UWI said they should submit documentation from their religious body or doctor confirming this to the OSSD, so that the situation could be considered on a case by case basis.

Speaking with Irie Fm News, the UWI Mona Guild President said it supports the mandate and is calling for staff to be vaccinated as well.

Ms. Mullings said so far, she has been receiving mixed views from students about the mandate.

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