
PNP Says 100,000 Jobs Achievable

by November 12th, 2015

Finance Minister, Dr. Peter Phillips has expressed confidence that his 100,000 job projection at a recent mass rally in St Ann is achievable.

Dr Peter Phillips, Finance Minister

Dr Peter Phillips, Finance Minister

While addressing comrades at the party’s rally in Brown’s Town, St. Ann on Sunday, Dr. Phillips, who is also the PNP Campaign Director, made the announcement to deliver those jobs during the next term of a PNP administration.

The party says Dr. Phillips’ projection is based on the fact that between July 2013 and July 2015, the labour force increased by almost 40,000 people.

Based on that upward trajectory during what has been considered as a challenging economic period, The Minister say he is confident that with more growth in the economy, the 100,000 job target is at minimum conservative.

The growth forecast is predicated at an average of 1.5% to 2.0% or better over next five years.

Based on the indicators over the 2013 to 2015 period, the continued inflows of foreign investment, business confidence and the economic reforms over which Dr. Phillips presided; he expects the growth in jobs to come primarily from the Tourism, BPO, Agriculture, Construction and Services sectors.

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