
Student launches online petition against Education Ministry’s mandatory 6th form programme

by November 10th, 2021

An online petition calling for the Education Ministry to scrap its decision to make 6th form mandatory, has been launched on change.org.

So far, over 5,000 persons have signed the petition.

In the accompanying statement, student Kadian Johnson argued that 6th form should not be mandatory in Jamaica.

She noted that the government has now stipulated, that children cannot graduate secondary school, unless they complete Grade 13.

Currently, most children exit the secondary school at 5th form, which is grade 11.

Ms. Johnson argued that the change will take a toll on people who do not have the money to afford 6th form.

She said not everyone benefits from 6th form and that many persons regret doing it.

She said its unfair to have to wait two extra years to graduate for no reason and that this will have an immense negative impact.

Ms. Johnson said the situation will cause an increase in high school dropouts, since many will decide not to go, and won’t get to graduate.

She said there will also be people who can’t afford the extra two years, since fee payments are required for attendance.

Ms. Johnson said she had planned on attending the Caribbean Maritime University, to study logistics, as soon as she graduated 5th form.

But now she will have to waste two more years doing nothing, because 6th form does not contribute to her desired area of study in any way, shape or form.

She said its unfair to have to wait until one is 19 years old to graduate secondary school.

She said once students have the requisite credits, they should be able to graduate high school.

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