
Jamaica expected to miss WHO 40% vaccination target

by December 23rd, 2021

Jamaica has been named among six Caribbean countries that are projected to not reach the World Health Organization (WHO) covid vaccination target of 40% by year-end.


The report comes as the Caribbean region reportedly saw an increase, of 16% in covid cases, last week.


The Omicron variant, which is reportedly the most transmissible variant of covid to date, is being blamed for the current spike.


Cases of Omicron have been reported in some Caribbean islands to include Cuba and Trinidad and Tobago.


The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) said in terms of COVID-19 vaccine distribution, over 868 million doses have been administered, to date, in Latin America and the Caribbean.


About 57.3% of the population in the Caribbean has completed their COVID-19 vaccination schedules.


PAHO projects that most countries in the region will have reached, or surpassed, the world health organization target of vaccinating 40% of their eligible populations, by the end of 2021.


However, current estimates are that Jamaica, Haiti, Saint Vincent & the Grenadines, Guatemala, Saint Lucia, and Grenada, may not attain that 40% coverage goal.

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