
Eliminate Violence Against Women And Girls

by November 25th, 2015

Prime Minister, Portia Simpson-Miller, has urged Jamaicans, to stand-up to those who seek to harm females, as the country joins with the rest of the world, in observing, international day for elimination of violence against women.

Prime Minister, Portia Simpson-Miller

Prime Minister, Portia Simpson-Miller

She says, the elimination of gender-based, and other forms of violence against women and girls, is central to the government’s commitment to the safety and security of all citizens, particularly the most vulnerable in society.

The Prime Minister explains that through the Bureau of Women’s Affairs, the government has embarked on a three-month social media campaign, aimed at providing a platform for advocacy and collaboration around the issue of gender-based violence, particularly as it affects women and girls.

The campaign is designed to raise awareness and provide guidance on developing and implementing programmes and strategies to address the incidence of violence against women and girls.

A Joint Select Committee of Parliament has been conducting a review of four pieces of legislation to provide greater protection and redress for citizens, particularly vulnerable women and girls.

These are the Sexual Offences Act, Domestic Violence Act, Offences Against the Person Act and the Child Care & Protection Act.

The Prime Minister says she is calling on all Jamaicans to positively engage on this issue of violence against women today and throughout the ‘16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence’ to December 10.

Today is being observed under the theme: ‘‘Violence Does Not Discriminate: Unite To End Gender-Based Violence.”

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