
Rumours About Pension Reform

by November 29th, 2015

The government is assuring public sector workers that the reform of their pension scheme that should come into effect next year will not adversely affect them.

Minister with Responsibility for the Public Service, Horace Dalley says false information is circulating, which causing workers to be alarmed.

Minister with Responsibility for the Public Service, Horace Dalley

Minister with Responsibility for the Public Service, Horace Dalley

He says all the information surrounding the reform of the public sector have been shared with the trade unions and one by one the government is reviewing and responding to those concerns.



There were media reports last week that the government could be embarking on job cuts to meet requirements of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Mr Dalley, who has been leading the public sector wage negotiations, says the government has restated its position that will not engage in wide-scale job cuts.

He adds that the Finance Minister, Dr Peter Phillips has also assured the public on many occasions that job cuts will not be done as has been circulated.



He states that the government is looking at where it can outsource some of the services offered by public entities and it is not filling vacant positions, which have been deemed non-essential.

He is assuring public sector workers that their jobs are not on the line.

The Minister says where the workers have concerns; they should direct them through their trade unions.

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