
Prime Minister expresses hope that SOE case now before the Appeal Court will conclude in what he calls a ‘wise position’

by April 7th, 2022

Prime Minister Andrew Holness has expressed hope that the court case relating to use of the State of Public Emergency, SOE, will conclude in what he calls a ‘wise position’.

The matter is being challenged, based on alleged constitutional breaches committed by the security forces.

Concern has also been raised about the extended use of the measure to tackle crime, as opposed to its intended use for national emergencies.

Speaking at the ground breaking ceremony for the Little London Police Station in Westmoreland today (April 7), Mr. Holness stressed that the crime situation is an emergency.

Mr. Holness said the use of emergency powers is an effective tool.

The matter before the appeal court, relating to constitutional breaches under the State of Public Emergency, SOE, stems from a ruling by the supreme court in September 2020, that the detention of 5 men under the measure, was unconstitutional.

The government is appealing the ruling.

Meantime, the Enhanced Security Measures Act, ESMA special legislation will be brought before parliament and made public soon.

This was announced by  Mr. Holness, while speaking at the ground breaking ceremony for the New Llittle London Police station in Westmoreland, today.

Mr. Holness noted that special emergency powers are required as part of the crime fighting strategy and plan.

He said the perpetrators and victims of crime are usually young men between the ages of 16 and 24 years, and the ESMA will place specific focus on this area.

The Prime Minister indicated that the government has taken a comprehensive approach to crime fighting through plan secure Jamaica, a component of which is the use of emergency powers.



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