
Jamaica Olympic Association’s 1 million dollars push for local Triathlon

by May 27th, 2022

The Jamaica Triathlon Association (JTA) was the beneficiary of 1 million dollars from the Jamaica Olympic (JOA) at yesterday’s official forging of a partnership between both Organizations in Kingston. 

The investment by the JOA is two fold, with the benefits in both cash and kind going towards the development of the sports, starting with an inaugural schools competition next month. 

Through this latest initiative the JTA will also receive 8 new bikes to aid in training and development. Karl Sharpe, President of the Jamaica Triathlon Association gave additional details of the partnership . “ We are indeed blessed and truly appreciative of the partnership formed with the Jamaica Olympic Association, a partnership that forms a solid foundation for the growth of the sport, given our planned direction to take Triathlon into schools across the island” . 

President of the JOA Christopher Samuda, also told Irie Fm Sports that his organization stands ready to do what is necessary to aid in further development of the sports, so as to improve Jamaica’s representation in regional and global competitions. 

The inaugural Triathlon Schools Championship is set to get underway on June 18 and entries are currently open for the event. 


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