
Comments by Gov’t Minister Marlene Malahoo Forte about new Bail Act set off alarm bells among members of legal fraternity

by June 8th, 2022

Comments about a new Bail Act by the Minister of Legal and Constitutional Affairs in Parliament yesterday (June 7), have sent off alarm bells among some members of the legal fraternity, who are expressing concern about infringement on a person’s right to bail.


Among those concerned is Opposition Spokesperson on Justice, Donna Scott Mottley, who pointed out that a previous attempt by the Jamaica Labour Party Administration to change the bail law had been shot down by the court.


In her Sectoral Debate Presentation yesterday, Minister Marlene Malabo Forte hinted at some provisions coming in the new Bail Act, including not granting bail to people on a murder charge.

In reacting to the Minister, Mrs Scott Mottley said under the current Bail Act, accused persons have a right to bail. She added that there are certain circumstances under which the court can deny bail.

She described the Minister’s suggestion about bail as a retrograde step.

The Spokesperson said infringement of a person’s right is unacceptable.


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