
Cabinet has no say in judgements on outstanding traffic tickets, despite extension for payment of fines

by December 16th, 2022

Minister without portfolio in the Office of the Prime Minister, Floyd Green, says the cabinet has no say in what the courts decide, when transport operators who have been granted an extension to settle outstanding tickets, appear before them.


His comment follows claims by some transport groups that some of their members had their driver’s licences revoked, when they attempted to settle outstanding tickets in the courts, yesterday.


A release from the Office of the Prime Minister on Tuesday, indicated, that motorists with outstanding tickets, incurred after February 1, 2018, will have until January 31, 2023 to pay the fines.


This is to prevent the tickets from transitioning to the new road traffic act, when it comes into force on February 1, next year. However, some transport operators, said when they attempted to pay the fines, their licenses were revoked.


Speaking with IRIE FM News, Mr. Green who has been mandated by cabinet to deal with traffic related issues, said while the government has granted the extension, it does not determine judgements by the court.



Noting that only a few transport operators have had their licenses suspended, he said factors such as the number of outstanding tickets, may have contributed to this.



Mr. Green reiterated that a traffic ticket amnesty, has not been granted.


He noted, however, that an amnesty, was granted in 2017.



He said if the outstanding tickets are not settled before February 1, next year, they will be brought over, under the new road traffic act.


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