
Jamaica’s Sunshine girls crash to 73-52 loss against the England Roses

by January 12th, 2023

Jamaica’s Sunshine girls will today be assessing where they went wrong in the massive 73-52 against the England Roses yesterday in the opening game of the three-match Vitality International Netball series in Manchester. 

This when they undergo a game review and video session, after a light training and recovery session, under the watchful eyes of coach Connie Francis. 

The Sunshine Girls, having raced to a 19-13 first quarter lead, were outscored 18-15 in the second period as the home team narrowed the lead to 34-31 at the  half time interval.

The tide turned in favour of England midway the third period with the Roses moving ahead and building a slight cushion, leading 49-47 heading into the 4th and final quarter where England took  total  control  of  the  game…. out-scoring the sunshine girls 24-5 to come away with a winning 21 goal margin.

Head coach Connie Francis speaking with Irie Fm sports admitted that England was better on the day. 

The series now moves to the Copper Box Arena in London for games 2 and 3 on Saturday and Sunday.

The vitality series forms part of both team’s preparations for the upcoming Netball World Cup in South Africa.

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