
A 28 member Reggae Girls squad in camp in Florida

by January 13th, 2023

A  28  member  Reggae  Girls  squad  is  now  in  camp  in  Florida as  they  continue  preparation  for  the  Fifa  World  Cup  in  New  Zealand  and  Australia  in  July. 

The  camp  which  started  on Wednesday  under  head  coach  Lorne  Donaldson  will  run  until   next  Monday.

The  players  at  the  camp  include  Jody Brown,  Kalyssa Van Zanten, Giselle Washington,  Kameron Simmonds , Peyton Mcnamarra, Olufasalade Ademoluken, Mireya Grey, Rachel Jones, Liya Brookes, Serena Mensah, Maliah Atkins, Zoe Matthews, Logan Mcfadden, Malikae Dayes, and  Mikalya Dayes,  

The list is completed by Amelia Van Zanten, Solai Washington, Havana Solaun, Satara Murray, Cheyna Mattews, Konya Plummer, Lauren Reid, Isreala Groves, Tiernny Wiltshire, Theanna Burnett, Jazmeen Jameison, Trudi Carter and  Sydney Bellamy.

The next assignment for the Reggae  Girls  is  the  four-team cup of nations tournament in Australia , where Jamaica will face Spain, Czech republic and Australia on February 16, 19 and 22, respectively.


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