
Jamaican officials returns after serving as instructors at the 2nd edition of CFU/ Concacaf course in Antigua

by January 24th, 2023

Jamaican  officials  are  returning  home  after  serving   as  instructors  at  the  2nd  edition  of  the  Caribbean  Football  Union  Concacaf  new  generation  referee  course  in  Antigua.

Concacaf  refereeing  Manager  Dave Meikle, did   double duties  as administrator and instructor, while  .

Fifa and Concacaf instructor and referee assessor  Victor  Stewart  and   Concacaf fitness instructor  Rohan  Thorbourne  were  among   the other instructors.

23 match officials, comprised of 16 referees and seven assistant referees from  15  countries   converge for  the  four  day  event

The next generation course caters to Caribbean match officials who have the prerequisites to matriculate to the FIFA refereeing international lists. 

The course equips participants with theoretical and practical skills, ultimately leading to nominations to the FIFA rank. 

Eleven match officials from the 2022 cohort of 25 made the 2023 FIFA list  including  Jamaicans  Okeito  Nicholson  and  Christopher  mason   as   new  Fifa  referees,  while  Kemar  Gayle, Ricardo  Mckenzie  and  Joshua  Jackson  were  appointed    new  FIFA  referee  assistants.

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