
PNP objects to salary increase for politicians, calls for more pay for public servants

by May 17th, 2023

The People’s National Party, (PNP), says it strongly objects to a massive salary increase, for cabinet ministers and members of parliament.

The salary increase was announced by Finance Minister Dr. Nigel Clarke in parliament, on Tuesday.

The increases, for 3 fiscal years, from 2021 to 2024, will cost government $1.7 billion.

Effective April 2024, the prime minister will receive just over $28 million annually for his salary.

The opposition leaders new salary, is at the same level, as the deputy prime minister, which is over $25 million annually.

Members of parliament will get $14.2 million, as of next year April.

In a statement this morning, the PNP said it objects to the massive increases announced, without the government first having satisfactorily addressed the serious disaffection, of many dedicated teachers, nurses, police officers and other civil servants, arising out of the public sector compensation restructuring exercise.

It said the decision was made by the government, without any consultation with the opposition, other than to seek its political non-objection, to the decision when it was already made.

The PNP said Jamaica’s public servants have tirelessly served the country, often under difficult circumstances, and are deserving, of fair and equitable compensation for their contribution to the nation.

It said the recent salary restructuring has left many of them feeling marginalized and under-valued, and it condemns the government’s failure, to address their concerns while lavishly rewarding cabinet ministers and members of parliament, a massive increase, in what is a clear demonstration of misplaced priorities.

According to the opposition, while some parliamentarians work diligently and deserve an increase in remuneration, it is morally indefensible to grant such a significant raise, while so many of the country’s dedicated public servants have seriously lost out, and are demoralized by the lack of equity in the recent salary restructuring.

In light of this situation, the PNP is demanding that the government immediately returns to the negotiation table with the unions representing public servants.

It said the government must recognize its responsibility, to deliver a fair and just remuneration package for all public servants, before seeking to look after the interests of the political class.

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