
Trafigura case delayed

by May 26th, 2017

The judgement, which was expected today in the Trafigura matter was put off until a later date.

The case involves a $31 m donation, given to the people’s national party in 2006, by the Dutch firm, Trafigura Baheer.

The court of appeal says lawyers in the case will be advised of the next date for the decision.

The court is to make a ruling on the decision taken by Supreme Court Judge Lennox Campbell, that the hearing must take place in open court.

Some PNP executives including former Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller appealed the ruling.

Queen’s Counsel, K D Knight, who represented the appellants argued that the matter should be held in private.

However, back in January, Dutch officials were pressing to question Mr. Simpson Miller, People’s National Party (PNP) Chairman Robert Pickersgill, former Cabinet Ministers Phillip Paulwell and Colin Campbell, as well as businessman Norton Hinds, in relation to the $31 m donation.

K D Knight argued that under the Mutual Assistance Criminal Matters Act, the appellants could not be compelled to give witness statements to the Dutch authorities.

He also submitted that any effort by the Dutch authority to question the appellants about the donation, would be an exercise in futility unless they provided a statement.

However, lawyers from the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions have opposed Mr. Knights legal arguments.

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