
Auditor General concerned about employment of Govt consultants, advisors & assistants

by May 30th, 2017

Auditor General Pamela Munroe Ellis has raised concern over whether the country is getting value for money when government hires consultants, advisors and assistants to ministers.

The issue was outlined in a report tabled in parliament today (May 30).

In the report, Mm. Munroe Ellis revealed that an examination was done on 3 specific entities: the Office of the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Finance and Public Service as well as the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information.

The audit covered the period April 2010 and August 2016.

The Auditor General noted that at the end of its assessment, it found a general lack of accountability and transparency.

It also found that there was poor governance in engaging consultants, advisors and assistants to ministers.

The Auditor General says some advisors and assistants were employed without terms of reference or a job description.

She says in some instances gratuity was paid without evaluation of performance, and that some salaries were above the approved pay scale.

The auditor general also found breaches of government procurement guidelines.

The office has recommended that ministries should ensure that engagement and employment contracts for advisors, assistants and consultants, conform to procurement guidelines and finance ministry circulars, in order to promote good governance practices and the receipt of value for money.

Another recommendation is for the ministry of finance and public service to standardize the system for evaluating the performance of the advisors and assistants to ministers and replicate the evaluation process across all ministries, departments and agencies to ensure transparency and accountability.

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