
UCASE propose double digit minimum wage increase

by June 23rd, 2017

The Union of Clerical Administrative and Supervisory Employees (UCASE), is proposing a double digit increase for security guards and household helpers.

The proposal was made to the national minimum wage commission, which is undertaking consultations, across the island.

The Minimum Wage Advisory Commission is mandated to review these wage rates, annually.

In a letter to the commission and copied to the media, UCASE is proposing a 15 percent increase to commercial/industrial classification, 12 percent for security guards classification and  a 10 percent adjustment for the household helper classification.

Ucase is suggesting that a 12 percent increase be granted for all classifications in the second year.

The union believes a reclassification of the groups is necessary a as it says industrial/commercial businesses have the ability to pay the higher level of salaries to its employees than the basic amount paid to household helpers.

The union also wants a reestablishment of a Joint Industrial Council to provide legitimate and constructive representation in the security guards industry.

It states that the government must act now to protect security guards as billions of dollars in revenue is lost to the country.

It also wants security guards to be able to also benefit from maternity leave, sick leave and notice of redundancy payment as they now do not benefit under these laws.

The minimum wage was last increased on March 1, 2016, moving from $5,600 to $6,2 00 for a 40 hour work week.

The minimum wage for industrial security guards was increased to $8,854 weekly.

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