
Montague rejects reports on his handling of gun licence appeal

by August 10th, 2018

Former National Security Minister, Robert Montague, is rejecting reports regarding the handling of an appeal, for the return of a firearm license.

Speaking at a press conference this afternoon Mr. Montague said he rejected any suggestion of impropriety and wanted to make it clear, that all decisions made by him as security minister, were in the interest of that portfolio and safety, and security of all Jamaicans.

The minister points out, that when he became minister in March 2016, he found over 3 hundred and fifty cases unreviewed.

As such, he had a lawyer with a team hired to assist in the review of these appeal cases, which were languishing.

The minister adds that during his tenure, 209 cases were reviewed and 29 licenses granted by the panel.

Mr. Montague says, the person in question, had been charged previously under the lottery scamming legislation.

He says the charges were thrown out by the courts, as no evidence was provided.

He highlights that later on, the police officer who had charged the person in question, was alleged to be corrupt and was separated from the police force.




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