
Police Federation upset at Security Minister’s comments

by September 29th, 2018

The Jamaica Police Federation has expressed shock and outrage at comments reportedly made by National Security Minister Dr. Horace Chang.

The minister is reported to have stated that the Jamaica Constabulary Force cannot be changed.

The Police Federation has described the comment as infelicitous, and painting the Jamaica Constabulary Force in a very negative light.

It says the statement has further demoralized and demotivated the hardworking rank and file members of the constabulary force, who have made and continues to make tremendous sacrifices for the citizens of Jamaica.

The central committee of the Jamaica Police Federation is of the considered opinion that it is unfortunate that the minister sees the police force as irreparable.

It adds that it reflects poorly on successive government administration and the current minister of national security’s position appears to have influenced the nonchalant approach around the negotiation table.

According to Chairman, Corporal Arleen McBean successive administrations have failed to invest in the human capital of the JCF and for the Minister of National Security to state that the police force is the complete opposite to the first world Jamaica Defence Force gives the impression that members of the constabulary are not valued and are incompetent.

McBean further states that members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force are being recruited by a number of police services across the Caribbean.

This means that the training that Jamaican police officers are exposed to is highly recognized and valued by our Caribbean counterparts.

The Federation believes that the minister’s public criticism of the Jamaica Constabulary Force has further discredited efforts and has emboldened those who seek to trample on the efforts of the hardworking members of the rank and file, and reduced the gains made at boosting the reputation in the eyes of the public.

The Police Federation is asking for an immediate retraction of the minister’s comments and will be writing to the minister to request an urgent meeting.


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