
The statue for Jamaican Olympic gold medallist Shelly Ann Fraser Pryce to be unveiled on Sunday

by October 9th, 2018

The statue for Jamaican Olympic gold medallist Shelly Ann Fraser Pryce will be unveiled on Sunday, October 14.

The unveiling will take place at a special ceremony beginning at 4:00pm at Statue Park in the National Stadium Complex, where the statue will be mounted, a release from the ministry said, adding that Prime Minister Andrew Holness will do the unveiling.

According to sports Minister Olivia Grange the unveiling of the statue “was timed to coincide with the commemoration of heritage week.”

The bronze statue — to the scale of one and quarter life size — was designed by renowned sculptor Basil Watson.

Watson has been engaged by the culture ministry to design statues of four of Jamaica’s outstanding sports stars under the Jamaica 55 legacy programme.

The statue in honour of Fraser Pryce is the second to be completed under the programme.

The first, of Usain Bolt, was completed and installed last December.

The remaining statues — of V`eronica Campbell Brown and Asafa Powell — are now in the design stage.

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