
JET / Cockpit Country residents call for implementation of a buffer zone

by October 31st, 2018

The Jamaica Environment Trust (JET) has echoed calls by residents in communities of the Cockpit Country, for government to establish a buffer zone that protects them from bauxite mining.

JET Chief Executive Officer Suzanne Stanley said the matter was discussed during a recent meeting with community representatives, government agency officials, representatives from the bauxite industry, and other environment stakeholders.

The residents, and JET, voiced their objection to continued bauxite mining and prospecting activities near to the designated Cockpit Country Protected Area.

They cited among their concerns, effects to the health and safety of people in the area, especially children.

The stakeholders said a buffer zone around the designated cockpit country protected area is needed.

Ms. Stanley explained that these restrictions would include, but not be limited to, mining and prospecting.

This in light of the mining lease issued to new day bauxite company, which allows activity reportedly right on the border of the protected area.

Ms. Stanley added that the buffer zone would also ensure that important groundwater reserves in and around cockpit country, remain intact


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