
Police Federation rejects gov’t’s 5% wage offer

by May 14th, 2015

The police federation has joined other public sector groups in rejecting government’s 5% wage increase offer.

The police were called to their first wage negotiation meeting Wednesday at the finance ministry with the Public Service Minister Horace Dalley.

Other groups to include the island’s teachers and doctors have already rejected the 5 % offer.

Chairman of the police federation, Sergeant Raymond Wilson, told Irie FM News that the police made it clear to government that a 5% wage increase was inadequate.

Sergeant Wilson says the parties then went on to discuss other items in the police’s wage claim, but were unable to go through all the items at the meeting.

He says the parties are to continue discussion on the points at another meeting scheduled for Thursday, May 21.

Sergeant Wilson adds that the police are also expecting the minister to come with a better wage offer then.

The police, like many other public sector workers have long complained that they are not coping under the five-year wage freeze.

Government has said it cannot pay more than 5%.

Just this week, Finance Minister Dr. Peter Phillips said if the government were to offer more, then cuts would have to come from other areas of government.

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