
Police Federation orders members to cut back on overtime

by May 15th, 2015

The association representing the country’s rank and file police officers says the practice of overworking officers must come to an end, as officers are not benefiting from a structured overtime regime.

The police federation says the issue was pointed out to the finance ministry during a meeting Thursday with the Minster responsible for Public Service Horace Dalley.

Chairman of the Police Federation Sergeant Raymond Wilson told Irie FM News that the situation has become untenable.

He says the police have an agreement for a standard 40 hour work week, with an additional 10 hours in lieu of overtime.

Sergeant Wilson laments that the police are on duty for up to 65 or 70 hours a week.

He says the federation expressed its concern for the overworked officers to the government at Thursday’s meeting.

Sergeant Wilson says the federation believes it is more than reasonable that cops, like other public sector workers, should be paid for being deployed on overtime.


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