
Undefined Cockpit Country Boundaries

by May 23rd, 2015

The government has admitted that mining is coinciding with one of the boundaries of The Cockpit Country.

The admission comes after criticisms were levelled against the government after reports, which surfaced that mining operations were being carried out in The Cockpit Country, which is a protected nature reserve.

State Minister for Mining, Julian Robinson told a press conference yesterday, that this single boundary that now coincides is only ten years old, while the mining lease for the area being mined has been in place since the 1980’s.

Junior Mining Minister, Julian Robinson

Junior Mining Minister, Julian Robinson

Mr Robinson says there are around six defined boundaries of The Cockpit Country with no single one being made official.

He adds that as in stands, no one can make claim on a defined boundary for the cockpit country.



The Junior Mining Minister says the government is equally as concerned about protecting the natural resources of the country as other stakeholders.


Mr Robinson states that even without the official boundary, the mining activity is miles away from the heart of The Cockpit Country.

He adds that the government is at fault for dragging its feet on the issue and he assures that his fellow Minster of Water, Land, Environment and Climate Change, Robert Pickersgill will be bringing the issue to The House, to finally outline an official boundary for The Cockpit Country.

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