
50% Murder Clear-Up Rate

by May 23rd, 2015

The police are reporting that there has been a 50% clear-up rate for murders in the Kingston East Division.

According to Detective Inspector Steadman Bailey, members of the division will continue to work assiduously to achieve a higher clear-up rate by the end of this year.

Meanwhile, during an operation yesterday on Malvern Avenue, Kingston 16 five wanted men were taken into custody and two firearms – one of them a high-powered rifle – and several rounds of ammunition were seized.

The identities of those in custody are being withheld pending further investigations.

Additionally, lawmen are reminding members of the public not to harbour criminals, as it is an offence under the law and anyone found in breach of this will be prosecuted.

Citizens are being urged to report suspicious incidents in their communities by contacting Crime Stop at 311 or 811, police 119 emergency number or the nearest police station.

The stay alert app can also be utilised by visiting www.uniteforchange.jm.org.

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