
Bunting questions Petrojam oil pricing mechanism

by May 1st, 2019

An opposition member of the Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee is suggesting that Petrojam is using a pricing mechanism that allows it to pass on its inefficient buying costs to customers.

Peter Bunting was speaking at yesterdays (Apl 30) PAC meeting where members reviewed the Auditor General’s report on Petrojam.

Mr. Bunting said Petrojam’s claim to using the US Gulf reference pricing as the basis for its oil prices is misleading to the public.

In response to Bunting’s comments, Manager of Logistics and Marketing at Petrojam, Michael Hewitt, sought to clarify that the method used by the company to determine fuel pricing, is reflective of that used all over the world.

PAC Chairman Mark Golding noted that while this may be so, the current pricing strategy leaves consumers open to risks.


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