
Caster Semenya files appeal to Swiss Federal Supreme Court

by May 29th, 2019

Olympic 800 metres champion Caster Semenya has filed an appeal to the Swiss Federal Supreme Court against rules requiring middle-distance female athletes with a high natural level of testosterone to reduce it via medication.

Semenya lost an appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport on May 1 which ruled the IAAF’s rules were necessary for athletes with differences in sexual development (DSDs) to ensure fair competition.

The 28-year-old in a statement after filing the appeal said she is “a woman” and “a world-class athlete. The IAAF will not drug me or stop me from being who I am.

Semenya’s statement added that she will ask the Swiss Federal Supreme Court to set aside CAS’s decision in its entirety, which it said did not consider medical protocols and uncertain health consequences of taking testosterone-reducing medication.

Under the new regulations, female athletes with high natural levels of testosterone wishing to compete in events from 400 metres to a mile must medically limit that level to under five nmol/L, double the normal female range of below two nmol/L.

Semenya has repeatedly stated she will not take medication to comply with the regulations, which came into effect on May 8, but she has also vowed to continue to compete in the 800 metres.

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