
The caring continues with Shaggy at Bustamante Hospital for Children

by December 17th, 2019

Shaggy, through his Shaggy Make A Difference Foundation, in the spirit of Christmas, has once again given back to the children of the Bustamante Hospital for Children.

In a thank you post shared on his official Instagram page, Shaggy expressed gratitude to the volunteers who according to Shaggy, year after year have wrapped gifts for the many children at the hospital who will not get a chance to spend Christmas at home.

Shaggy who just last month had to clear the air regarding the funds raised for the hospital via his Shaggy and Friends Concert, sent a clear message in his Instagram post on Monday evening, that the caring continues “no one will ever derail us from our mission…” he said.

The annual Christmas treat at the Bustamante Hospital for Children, has been a benefactor of Shaggy for the past 25 years, with this year noted by Shaggy, as the year the most presents have been bought.

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