Author Archive: Donique Weston

Jamaica’s MMR vaccination rate has fallen by 10%
Opposition Spokesman on Health Dr. Morais Guy has again stated that Jamaica is at risk of an outbreak of measles, mumps and rubella,
More than 2,000 roads to be fixed under new ‘SPARK’ programme
The government is moving to implement a $40 billion road improvement project to modernize over two thousand roads island wide, under
Roll back increases for all parliamentarians! – Advocates Network
The Advocates Network is doubling down on its call for the government to roll back the salary increases for all parliamentarians.
JTA to announce action plan in response to massive pay increase for parliamentarians
President of the Jamaica Teachers’ Association (JTA) Lasonja Harrison says an action plan is to be announced in response to the
Evangelical Alliance leader urges citizens to boycott labour day to protest massive pay increase for parliamentarians
Leader of the Jamaica Evangelical Alliance Bishop Dr. Alvin Bailey has called on Jamaicans to boycott labour day activities, in protest
Children’s Advocate concerned about mental health challenges facing Jamaican children
A number of Jamaican children are facing mental health challenges, are concerned about what’s happening in their homes and have
Jamaicans describe salary increases for political directorate as excessive
Jamaicans are describing salary increases which were announced for the country’s political directorate as excessive.   The
Political commentator says government outfoxed public servants
Outfoxed…   That’s the reaction of one political commentator to the salary increases being granted to the political