Author Archive: Myesha Broadie

WHO assures that all vaccines approved by the organization are safe
Director-General of the World Health Organization, WHO, Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus has assured that all vaccines approved by the
NPTAJ cites importance of parental support during online school, to ensure that students do not fall further behind
As online schooling continues for the second straight year, the National Parent-Teacher Association of Jamaica, NPTAJ said parental
JAPSS concerned that students who already struggled with online classes last year, will be at greater disadvantage in new school year
The Jamaica Association of Principals of Secondary Schools has expressed concern, that students who had already been struggling to keep
Road Safety Council says if Jamaicans do not practice road safety, a national disaster is looming
Vice Chairman of the National Road Safety Council, Dr. Lucien Jones said if Jamaicans do not practice road safety, a national disaster
Internet connectivity continues to be a major challenge, as new school year begins
The new academic year began today (September 6), but many students were not engaged in classes. This as some schools did not resume
JTA says greater focus must be placed on internet connectivity for students in rural Jamaica
President of the Jamaica Teachers Association, J-T-A, Winston Smith says internet of connectivity is still a major issue. He says with
Opposition says Technology Minister should provide update on universal internet access project
The Opposition says Technology Minister Daryl Vaz should provide the country with an update on the project announced in December, to
868 new Covid-19 cases push Jamaica’s case count pass 70,000 mark
Jamaica’s Covid-19 case count has surpassed the 70,000 mark. This as 868 new cases yesterday (September 3), have pushed the tally