Author Archive: Myesha Broadie

PM says public pressure on persons with information about Danielle Rowe’s murder may lead to the perpetrator’s apprehension
Prime Minister Andrew Holness is hoping that the application of public pressure on the conscience of persons with information about the
Farm flood bill estimated at $50M
The estimated loss suffered by the nation’s farmers as a result of the recent heavy rains is approximately 50 million dollars.
Braeton Primary to get full coverage from CCTV cameras
The Braeton Primary and Infant school in St. Catherine is to get full coverage from CCTV cameras.   Portmore Mayor Leon Thomas
Police urge citizens to desist from spreading rumors about Danielle Rowe’s murder
Members of the public are being urged to desist from spreading their interpretations of what led to the death of 8-year-old Danielle
St. Ann Chamber of Commerce concerned about the increase in murders
The St. Ann Chamber of Commerce has expressed concern over the increase in murders in the parish compared to last year.   Head of
Haiti Stakeholders’ Meetings not being held for CARICOM to propose a fix to Haiti’s security situation- Golding
Former Prime Minister Bruce Golding says the ongoing security talks about Haiti are not being held for the Caribbean Community, CARICOM
2 men shot, 1 fatally on St. Johns Road in St. Catherine
Two men were shot one fatally on St. Johns Road in Spanish Town, St. Catherine this morning.   Dead is 25-year-old Odane Stewart
Sections of Clarendon flooded following days of heavy rainfall
There have been reports of flooding in at least one parish as heavy rains continue to impact the island.   Irie FM News