Author Archive: Patrice Walters

Women stage demonstration against gender based violence
A group of placard bearing women, dressed in black, staged a peaceful demonstration against gender based violence, in the vicinity of
3 killed in confrontation with police, 4th suspect in custody
The police have taken into custody a man who they believe was involved in yesterday’s shooting incident in Kilmarnock St. Elizabeth, in
Some workers upset over change in NIS deductions which took effect this month
A change in the deductions for the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) which took effect April 2021 has not gone down well with some public
UNDP recommends changes to ZOSO regulations, to incorporate focus on gender based violence
A recommendation has been made to amend the regulation for the Zones of Special Operations, (ZOSO) so that it incorporates a focus on
Man arrested in connection to missing Clarendon teacher case
Police have taken into custody the brother of a man who was fatally shot on Saturday when officers recovered the vehicle belonging to
Suspect held for murder of St Ann based Office of the Public Defender employee
A man has been detained in relation to the murder of a 39 year old St. Ann investigator who was assigned to Office of the Public
Health Min starts vaccine blitz this weekend
The first coronavirus vaccination blitz, mainly targeting persons 75 years and older, is set for this Saturday, March 27 at the
Govt to allocate funds to aid citizens during triple weekend lock down
Government will be allocating $2 m to each of the country’s 63 constituencies to aid citizens during the 3 weekends of lock down.