Author Archive: Shanice Gibbs

Gov’t MP Warmington walks out of Integrity Commission Oversight Committee meeting, following heated exchange
There was a heated exchange during this morning’s (July 25) meeting of the Integrity Commission Oversight Committee, which ended
Police say homeowners to do background checks on potential tenants
As the police continue efforts to put an end to lottery scamming in the country, homeowners and property managers are being reminded to
Jamaica Customs and JCF sign MOU granting Customs direct access to INTERPOL’s information system
The Jamaica Customs Agency (JCA) and the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) granting
Operations at the island’s courts back to normal following two days of industrial action by prosecutors
Operations at the island’s courts are back to normal.   This, following a two-day strike late last week by prosecutors
Montego Bay Mayor “doing better” following motor vehicle accident at the weekend
Mayor of Montego Bay Leeroy Williams is recovering in hospital after he sustained injuries during a motor vehicle accident at the
PNP approves disciplinary regime aimed at holding party members accountable for their behaviour
The Opposition People’s National Party (PNP) has approved a disciplinary regime aimed at effectively holding party members
PNP members to be retrained under revitalized Political Education Programme
As the People’s National Party (PNP) continues its quest to win the next general elections, more plans are afoot to unify the
Relatives of 8yo Danielle Rowe call for justice and for killer to confess, during march in St Andrew yesterday
  “We want justice, and we want answers”.   That was the cry by relatives of Danielle Rowe, during a march along