Author Archive: Shanice Gibbs

Works Agency CEO defends execution of works being carried out on Southern Highway Improvement Project
Chief Executive Officer of the National Works Agency, E.G Hunter is defending the execution of works being carried out on the Southern
Wanted man shot and killed in Mount Salem, St James in alleged confrontation with police
A man who was reportedly wanted for several crimes in Mount Salem, St James was shot and killed in an alleged confrontation with the
Do not take the potentially fatal threat of the heat wave for granted -Tufton
As the country continues to experience record-high temperatures, Health and Wellness Minister, Dr. Christopher Tufton is urging
Education Ministry urges parents to report school-placement concerns to regional offices
Acting Chief Education Officer, Dr. Kasan Troupe is encouraging parents to report concerns regarding their children’s placement
Foreign Affairs Minister says Gov’t has not taken fixed policy position on arrival of Haitians in the country
  Foreign Affairs Minister, Kamina Johnson Smith says the Government has not taken a fixed policy position in relation to the
St Catherine South Police to implement strategies aimed at improving security in the division’s schools
With the back-to-school season fast approaching, the St Catherine South Police are planning to implement a series of strategies aimed
Dental surgeons threaten industrial action over wage issues, if no response from Health Ministry
Public sector dental surgeons are threatening to take industrial action if they do not receive a response from the Health Ministry in
Kenyan priest charged in relation to alleged case of sexual abuse at St. Catherine church
The police have now charged a Kenyan Roman Catholic Priest who was arrested in relation to an alleged case of sexual abuse.   The