Author Archive: Sheree Haye


Crime Hindering Investment

by October 10th, 2015
Crime Hindering Investment
US Ambassador to Jamaica, Luis Moreno is urging the government and private sector leaders to crush the root causes of the country’s
Steer Children Clear of the Illegal Lottery Scam
US Ambassador to Jamaica, Luis Moreno says he wants the nation’s children to be steered clear of the illegal lottery scam. He is

Nearly 300 Road Deaths

by October 10th, 2015
Nearly 300 Road Deaths
282 people have died on the nation’s roadways since the start of the year. These fatalities resulted from 262 accidents, between
More Social Work Degree Programmes
Community colleges across the island will now be offering a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work. This will be done under a five-year

More Training For Nurses

by October 10th, 2015
More Training For Nurses
Health Minister, Dr. Fenton Ferguson says he will continue to push for increased training opportunities for nurses, as part of The
Jamaica Air Traffic Controllers Association Wage Talks
The Jamaica Air Traffic Controllers Association says it is awaiting word from the Finance Ministry on how to proceed with the current
CDA Addressing Bullying in Schools
The Child Development Agency, CDA, says it has initiated discussions with several stakeholders in the sector, to develop a system to
7 Year old Girl Mowed Down
A Clarendon mother is trying to come to terms, with the death of her 7-year-old daughter, who was mowed down and left at the side of