Author Archive: Sheree Haye

Evon Redman’s Candidacy Ratified
Businessman Evon Redman was this afternoon (September 26, 2015) ratified as the People’s National Party’s standard bearer for

Telecoms Sector Growing

by September 26th, 2015
Telecoms Sector Growing
Technology Minister, Phillip Paulwell says in the wake of number portability in Jamaica, several other telecommunications service

Long Bay Murder

by September 26th, 2015
Long Bay Murder
A man was shot and killed by alleged gunmen in Long Bay, St. James last evening. The victim has been identified as 34-year-old

Correctional Officer Charged

by September 26th, 2015
Correctional Officer Charged
The Elletson Road Police yesterday (September 25, 2015) arrested and charged a correctional officer for breaches of The Dangerous Drug
IDT Rules in Catherine Barber’s favour
The Industrial Dispute Tribunal (IDT) has ruled that former General Manager of the ATL Pension Fund Catherine Barber was unjustifiably
JLP Comments on Prickly Pole Saga
The Opposition JLP has criticised parents and school administrators for their role in the controversial demonstration in Claremont St.

Clan Carthy Staff Restive

by September 25th, 2015
Clan Carthy Staff Restive
IRIE FM News understands that some non-academic staff at the Clan Carthy High School is restive over what they claim is victimisation
2 Killed 3 Wounded In Salt Spring, St James
Two people were killed and three wounded in Salt Spring, St James between last night and this morning (September 23, 2015). Dead are a