Author Archive: Sheree Haye

PNP Northeast St Ann Candidate Election Tomorrow
All is now set for tomorrow’s (August 16, 2015) election of the People’s National Party candidate, for Northeast St. Ann.

Gear For Fire-fighters

by August 15th, 2015
Gear For Fire-fighters
Government is taking steps to ensure that fire-fighters have sufficient protective gear at their disposal, when responding to

Budget Adjustments

by August 12th, 2015
Budget Adjustments
Minister of Finance and Planning, Dr Peter Phillips says adjustments will have to be made to the National Budget, which was approved in
Government To Address Soak-Away Pits
Acting President of the National Water Commission, Mark Barnett, says the agency will be dealing with soak-away pits on properties, to

7-Hour JLP Meeting

by August 7th, 2015
7-Hour JLP Meeting
The seven-hour meeting of the executive members of the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) adjourned this afternoon (August 07, 2015), to be
Sugar Workers Get Notice Pay
Sugar cane workers at the Golden Grove Sugar Estate began receiving their 14 weeks’ notice pay today (August 07, 2015), as a part of
Island’s Trade Unions meeting to discuss agreement
The island’s trade unions are to meet this week to review the 2015/2017 draft heads of agreement between trade unions and the

Dr Barry Wade Dies

by August 2nd, 2015
Dr Barry Wade Dies
The Chairman of local human rights lobby group, Jamaicans For Justice (JFJ) Dr Barry Wade, is dead. Dr Wade passed away yesterday. A