Author Archive: Sheree Haye

Couple suspected to have perished in fire
The burnt remains of two persons were found at a house, which was gutted by fire, at middle road in Glendevon, St James this morning.
Clean up activities underway in Rocky Point
Health, and emergency management representatives, are to conduct an assessment in Rocky Point, Clarendon today (July 13), following
Rural customers of NWC told to brace for lock offs
National Water Commission customers in rural parishes are being told to brace for disruptions in their water supply, in light of the
Police Commissioner condemns quadruple killing
Police Commissioner Dr. Carl Williams has condemned the killing of four males, including two teens, in Whithorn, Westmoreland. The four
Oil spill results in traffic diversion
The Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (ODPEM) wishes to advise that no vehicular traffic will be permitted to
Deadline For GSAT Transfers
Today is the final day for transfers of students who were recently placed in high schools, based on their performance in The Grade Six
Opposition Welcomes Juror Allowance Increase
The Opposition Jamaica Labour Party (JLP), has welcomed government’s announcement that there has been a 300% increase in the allowance

Vision 2030 On Track

by July 3rd, 2015
Vision 2030 On Track
The Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ) says Jamaica remains on course to realise Vision 2030. Vision 2030 is a plan of the government