
Buy Water To Mitigate Drought

by May 21st, 2015

JLP caretaker for Central Manchester, Dr. St. Aubyn Bartlett has called on The National Water Commission (NWC), to engage WINDALCO in discussions over the purchasing of water.

Speaking with IRIE FM News, Dr. Bartlett says Manchester continues to experience a serious water issue adding that the problem is compounded by the current dry spell.

According to Dr. Bartlett when WINDALCO was in operation in Manchester, the bauxite company pumped millions of gallons of water per day from a well in Porous.

Dr. Bartlett is questioning why that water source cannot be used to assist in the drought mitigation efforts.

He says the plant in Manchester has been closed over a year now, but the NWC can seek to get assistance from WINDALCO.

Dr. Bartlett says at least two wells in Manchester do not work properly.

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